The Spiritual Exercises
The Spiritual Exercises
Two Marks To Understand the End Times

Two Marks To Understand the End Times

The Mark of the Beast is One, but What About the Mark of G-d?

I wish I could study this all day for a few weeks, but now was the time to get this to you and get you started on your own study. In this podcast I go through Bible verses that discuss the forehead and hand, references to these locations on the body, what they mean. How we are marked, even now, as the Lord’s or not?

The enemy’s version of things will always be within the system or a perversion of the system G-d created. Our heads and our hands are created by the Lord with functions that help the spiritual realm distinguish our spiritual positions. This is why understanding the head and hand how Scripture describes the “markings” on them is so important, especially for the end times Believer.

Let’s dig into this together. I offer this one up with an open mind and hand (so-to-speak) as some of what I share are theories. This is for all of us to discover together.




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The Spiritual Exercises
The Spiritual Exercises
The Spiritual Exercises stands as a distinct ministry, born from an insatiable hunger to unearth the unvarnished truth concealed within the sacred pages of Scripture. Its very genesis springs from the fervent quest to unravel the perspectives of the hands that inscribed these divine words. Our unwavering commitment rests upon the bedrock principle of conducting all things according to the Scriptural playbook, as we endeavor to rediscover the very essence of our Christian faith at its primal source.
We're not content with merely scratching the surface; our relentless pursuit delves deep into the annals of history and the rich tapestry of culture to fathom G-d's Word within its truest context. And it is not merely knowledge that drives us, but the ardent desire to seamlessly integrate these profound teachings into our lives, guided by the boundless love and wisdom of the Messiah Yeshua (known to many as Jesus).